Dr. Rajinder Sharma is Chandigarh’s

first Orthopadic Surgeon to start
total hip joint surgery & Neuro spine
Surgery at Govt. Multispccialty
Hospital Sector 16, (Chandigarh in
Year1992 & Year 1997. Dr. Rajinder
Sharma, Senior Orthopedic, Joint
Replacement Neurospine Surgeon
having 40 years of Clinical Medical
e x p e ri e n c e . H e w a s S M O
(Retired)Govt.Multi Specialty
Hospital, Sector 16, Chandigarh. Ex.
Medical College, Amritsar, Patiala,
Faridkot (Pb.). Now Dr. Rajinder
Kumar Sharma is serving as Medical
Director Administrator at Sirhind
Orthopedic Multispecialty Medical
Centre at Sector 33-D, Chandigarh
(Centre timings 9 am to 2 pm & 5
pm to 8 pm The centre caters
following services total Hip, Knee
Replacement Neurospine Surgery
Spondylitis Sciatica Arthritis 

Rheumatoid Trauma Fracture
Dislocation Sports Injury – Gym Injury
Ort h o p e d i c P l a sti c S u r g e r y
Physiotherapy Deformities Paralysis
Artificial Hand, Feet, Leg, Arm –
Appliances. Family Physician /
S u r g e o n f o r
C o n s u l t a t i o n / D i s c u s s i o n / 

Appointment with Specialist of

General Medicine-General
Surgery-Eye-Ear, Nose, Throat,
P e d i a t r i c , G y n e c o l o g y ,
Obstetrics, Skin Dermatology,
Psychiatry, Endocrinology ,
o n c o l o g y , N e u r o l o g y ,
Cardiology, Pulmonology,
Gastroenterology, Hematology,
N e p h r o l o g y , U r o l o g y ,
F e rti l it y / R e p r o d u c ti o n ,
L i b i d o / S e x B o o s t ,
Dr. Rajinder Kumar Sharma,
SMO (Retired) Govt. Multi
Specialty Hospital Sector 16,
Chandigarh and State Nodel
Officer (Retd.) National Health
Mission Chandigarh Health
Department Govt. of India New Delhi.